Anshel–Anshel–Goldfeld 密钥交换体系(Anshel–Anshel–Goldfeld key exchange)

原理(代数密钥建立协议,The algebraic key establishment protocol)

​ We now present an algebraic key establishment protocol which, in its most general form consists of a five–tuple

where and are feasibly computable monoids, and

are feasibly computable functions satisfying the following properties.

​ (i) For all elements ,

​ (ii) For all elements ,

​ (iii) Suppose and are publicly known for some secret element . Then, in general, it is infeasible to determine the secret element .

​ The users and are publicly assigned submonoids, , respectively. Suppose that is generated by the elements

and is generated by .The protocol begins with user A choosing a secret element a in and transmitting the elements

Likewise, user chooses a secret element in , transmits

It follows from property (iii) that even though the transmission is over a public channel, the secret elements and are secure. Property (i) above insures that user can compute the element


Likewise user can compute and . Recalling property (ii) above we see that

can serve as an established key.

具体例子(群论协议,A group theoretic protocol)

In this illustration the monoid is a group, denoted , and the users and are publicly assigned subgroups

Here the function is chosen to be conjugation,

Users A and B choose secret elements and respectively, and user begins the protocol by computing, rewriting, and transmitting the collection of elements

Similarly, user computes, rewrites, and transmits

An adversary observing these transmissions is unable to determine or unless he can solve a set of simultaneous conjugacy equations over the base group.

​ Multiplying two elements in the group can be accomplished by simply concatenating the two expressions representing the elements. The process of rewriting, while not unique, must be chosen so that no adversary can determine the conjugating element from viewing the publicly transmitted conjugates.

​ Recalling that the conjugate of the product of two elements is the product of the conjugates of those elements (i.e., property (i) of ), users and are now in a position to compute, respectively, the elements

In order to attain a common key, user computes

and user computes

(上文摘自Mathematical Research Letters 6, 287–291 (1999),AN ALGEBRAIC METHOD FOR PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY,Iris Anshel, Michael Anshel, and Dorian Goldfeld著)


[UTCTF2020]Cube Crypto

Mr. Anshel and Mr. Goldfeld were trying to exchange some asymmetric keys to get a shared key. They aren’t very good at math, so they decided to use a Rubik’s Cube instead to do the crypto. I don’t think it’s very secure though, I think you might be able to guess some of their keys :hmm:

Mr. A public key: [B' U', F B F, R' D, B D']
Mr. G public key: [R D L', D U' B, U F', L' F]

Mr. A sends: [B D' R' D R D L' D' R D B', B D' R' D D U' B D' R D B', B D' R' D U F' D' R D B', B D' R' D L' F D' R D B']
Mr. G sends: [U F' R D L' B' U' L D' R' F U', U F' R D L' F B F L D' R' F U', U F' R D L' R' D L D' R' F U', U F' R D L' B D' L D' R' F U']

NOTE: The flag is the shared key that they generate, so it is NOT in utflag{} format

显然的,这道题需要应用Anshel–Anshel–Goldfeld 密钥交换体系,在这里,密钥是由魔方转动记号呈现的,而我们知道,魔方的转动操作群是非阿贝尔群,在这里,我们可以从Mr.A和Mr.G提供的公钥中提取出:


s_1=B' U'
s_2=F B F
s_3=R' D
s_4=B D'
t_1=R D L'
t_2=D U' B
t_3=U F'
t_4=L' F



s_1'=U F' R D L' B' U' L D' R' F U'
s_2'=U F' R D L' F B F L D' R' F U'
s_3'=U F' R D L' R' D L D' R' F U'
s_4'=U F' R D L' B D' L D' R' F U'
t_1'=B D' R' D R D L' D' R D B'
t_2'=B D' R' D D U' B D' R D B'
t_3'=B D' R' D U F' D' R D B'
t_4'=B D' R' D L' F D' R D B'





utflag{B D’ R’ D U F’ R D L’ D’ R D B’ L D’ R’ F U’}

至此,对于Anshel–Anshel–Goldfeld 密钥交换体系的介绍就到此结束了。